
Showing posts from September, 2020


  Improve Your English Vocabulary.(IYEV) Learn first these words, which will act  As your friends. WHAT,WHICH,WHERE,WHY,WHEN,HOW HOW MUCH.HOW MANY, WHOSE, WHOM, BY WHOM, IS,WAS,ARE,WERE,BE,HAVE. And I we,you,you, he, she, it, they and My,mine, to me,by me,myself, our,ours,us,ourselves,to us, by us. Your, yours, to you, by you, his, him, By him.himself,  Her,hers, to her, by her, herself, It, its,its, to it, by it, itself, Their, theirs, to them, by them, Themselves. Write down all these words  With proper spellings  and also know The meanings.BUY NOW ITSELF A GOOD ENGLISH TO ENGLISH DICTIONARY